Descriptor Code: ABBA
United Public School District Safe and Drug Free Schools Policy
Updated and Adopted August 2016
Philosophy Statements
• All students have a right to attend school in an environment conducive to learning. Since alcohol, tobacco, and other drug use is illegal and interferes with both effective learning and the healthy development of children and adolescents, United Public School District recognizes its basic legal and ethical obligation to prevent alcohol, tobacco, and other drug use to maintain a safe and drug free educational education.
• The school also has an obligation to provide drug prevention education units that are an integral part of the standard curriculum at all grade levels. These units are necessary to prepare students for decision making against alcohol, tobacco, and other drug use. These units are based on accurate information concerning health and developmental hazards.
• United Public School District, in accordance with the Safe and Drug Free Schools Act Guidelines, recognizes that the unlawful possession, use, or distribution of illicit drugs, alcohol, or tobacco by students on school premises or as part of any of its activities, is wrong and harmful. It is mandatory that students refrain from the use of possession of illicit drugs, alcohol, or tobacco.
• The rationale for regulating possession and use of tobacco is that the health hazards of tobacco use have been well established. This policy is established to reduce the high incidence of tobacco use in North Dakota to protect the health and safety of all students, employees, ad the general public and to set a non-tobacco-use example by adults.
• Abstinence: Restraining from an activity including the use of alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs.
• Dependency: A state of psychological or physical need, or both. This state arises from repeated use of a substance on a periodic or continuous basis.
• District: United Public School District
• District Property: all property, both indoor and outdoor, that is owned or leased by the district including, but not limited to, all buildings, playgrounds, athletic fields, parking lots and vehicles.
• Illicit drug: The Federal Government has a special list of illicit drugs. These illegal, controlled substances must not be brought into any United Public School District workplace. Some of the specific drugs in the government list include, but are not limited to, the following: marijuana, cocaine, heroin, and hallucinogens.
• Inhalants: Substances, often found in the home, which are abused by inhaling. Use can have immediate and very harmful results. These substances, when used for other than their intended purpose, at school or school related activities, will be considered as drugs. For specific examples, see the SDFS coordinator.
• Legal, but harmful drugs: Many legal drugs are very dangerous if not used appropriately. These types of drugs, which are potentially dangerous, are banned from the school district. They include prescription drugs not taken as prescribed and over the counter medications not taken as recommended.
• Paraphernalia: Objects, which are used when using drugs, alcohol, or tobacco. This includes vaping devices.
• Prevention education: Alcohol, tobacco, and other drug prevention education will be incorporated into the district’s K-12 comprehensive health curriculum so that students will be aware of the health and social consequences of use and abstinence. Teachers whose instructional assignments include these units will receive training in order that students will be afforded the most effective delivery of the district’s classroom-based prevention education. All education units will contain a definite “abstinence” message for those under legal age.
• Possession: Having a substance, such as alcohol, tobacco, or other drugs on district property, in district vehicles, and/or at school-sponsored events both whether on or off district property.
• Probable cause: Legal term used to describe the amount of evidence necessary for police to conduct a search and seizure.
• Reasonable suspicion: Belief that there is a violation of law or school rules. This is the lesser standard of evidence necessary for a school to begin an in-house investigation.
• Referral: To send or direct a person for information, support, or treatment.
• Suspected use: When indicators show alcohol, tobacco, or other drug use is possible.
• Tobacco Product: any product that contains tobacco, is derived from tobacco or contains nicotine [or lobelia], that is intended for human consumption, or is likely to be consumed, whether smoked, heated, chewed, absorbed, dissolved, or ingested by any other means. The term “tobacco products” includes pipes, rolling papers, e-cigarettes and other electronic smoking devices, but does not include any cessation product approved by the United States Food and Drug Administration for use as a medical treatment to reduce and eliminate nicotine or tobacco dependence.
• Use: Includes the consumption, chewing, lighting, or vaping any quantity of alcohol, tobacco, or other drugs except for accepted medicinal purposes. Use also includes smoking, which means carrying or having in one’s possession, a lighted cigarette, cigar, pipe, or other object giving off or containing any substance giving off smoke.
• Volunteered information: When information is given without coercion or threat and is based on knowledge that consent can be denied.
Searches, Confiscation, Medical Emergencies, and Helpful Resources
• Searches: See the student handbook for information
• Confiscation of a substance by school official: The presence of possession of any alcohol, tobacco, or other drugs or paraphernalia should be brought to the immediate attention of administration.
• Medical emergencies: In an alcohol or drug-related emergency, staff members should follow the procedure listen below:
• Do not leave the affected person unattended.
• Contact administration.
• Call 911 or other appropriate number listed below for advice on how to care for student.
Fire, Police, Ambulance: 911 Trinity Emergency Room: 857-5260 Poison Control: 1-800-222-1222 Community Services North Dakota 211 First District Health Unit: 852-1376
North Central Human Service Center: 888-470-6968
Quit Line: 1-800-784-8669 (1-800-QUIT-NOW) -- Quitline is a free telephone-based service available to help North Dakota smokers and spit-tobacco users overcome nicotine addiction.
To find other resources, look in the Yellow Pages of the telephone directory under “alcoholism” and “counseling”.
• Records on the use of student assistance should be confidential and not be made part of the educational record. North Dakota law requires these records be confidential and that they may not be released without the written consent of the student, or if the student is less than fourteen years of age, without the written consent of the student’s parent or guardian.
• Minors who are 14 years of age or older may obtain alcohol and other drug treatment counseling without parental consent and without notification of the minor’s parent under North Dakota Century Code 14-10-17.
• Matters discussed as part of student assistance will be treated as confidential, unless there is a clear and imminent danger to the student or others.
Treatment and Reentry Programs
• Information about drug and alcohol dependency counseling can be obtained by calling the numbers in the “resources” section, or other institutions and counselors as listed in the yellow pages of the telephone directory.
• When a student enters treatment for drug or alcohol dependency treatment, the following steps will be followed:
• Administration and other staff, as determined by student, school, and treatment facility, will be notified about placement in treatment center.
• Contact with student will be maintained during treatment, if possible.
• Support and encouragement for student will be provided as deemed necessary and appropriate by student, treatment facility, and administration.
• School counselor will act as an advocate for the needs of recovering students.
Employee Assistance Program
• The United Public School District will provide an Employee Assistance Program for employees who are experiencing personal difficulties that are affecting, or may affect the employee’s job performance. The purpose of the program is to assist employees in obtaining help to resolve such problems in an effective and confidential manner. This program recognizes that the primary obligation to seek assistance and to resolve the problem rests with the employee.
• The School Board recognizes that a wide range of problems that are not directly associated with an employee’s job function may have an effect on an employee’s job performance. The problems may involve physical illness, mental or emotional illness, alcohol abuse or alcoholism, drug abuse or dependency, or personal problems such as those of a marital, family, or financial nature.
• The employee assistance program assures employees that if such personal problems are the cause of unsatisfactory job performance, they will receive careful consideration and an offer of assistance in an effective and confidential manner. This service will provide information for counseling and treatment referral so that employees may seek and get counseling for chemical dependency, financial, marital, or other personal problems at any time without fear of reprisal and with assurance of confidentiality. Providing information for referral or treatment, when needed, should be a constructive and not a punitive action.
• Supervisors and/or colleagues will implement this policy in such a manner that no employee will have his or her job security or promotional opportunity affected by the use of the employee assistance program. This policy, and any related procedures, will not alter or supersede the normal employment, rules, policies, regulations, corrective disciplinary procedures, performance evaluation, guidelines, and/or provisions of collective bargaining agreements. The employees right to confidentiality will be protected.
Tobacco Product Use and Possession Prohibitions
Rationale for Regulating Possession & Use of Tobacco Products
The health hazards of tobacco use have been well established and studies have shown that nearly 90% of current smokers began smoking as teenagers. This tobacco free policy is established to:
1. Reduce the high incidence of tobacco use in North Dakota.
2. Protect the health and safety of all students, employees, and the general public.
3. Establish a standard of healthy, tobacco free behavior by adults and students.
Use of tobacco products is the leading cause of preventable death and disability in North Dakota. To support and model a healthy lifestyle for our students, staff and community, the United #7 School Board establishes the following tobacco-free policy.
Use & Possession Prohibitions
1. Students: Possession and/or use of tobacco products by students on district property and at school-sponsored events (whether on or off district property) is prohibited at all times.
2. Employees and Visitors: The use of tobacco products by school employees and visitors on district property and at school-sponsored events (whether on or off district property) is prohibited at all times.
This tobacco-free policy includes all events held on district property whether or not such events are sponsored by, or associated with, the District, and all events sponsored by the District or any school within the District regardless of where such events are held.
3. Advertising and Sponsorship: The District prohibits all advertising of tobacco products, whether formal or informal, on district property, at school functions, and in all school publications. This includes all signs, clothing or other gear that contain a logo of, advertisement for, or reference to, any tobacco product.
The District will not accept any form of contribution including, but not limited to, financial support, gifts (such as curriculum, book covers, speakers, etc.) or in-kind support from the tobacco industry for the sponsorship or promotion of any event or activity affiliated in any manner with the District or located on district property.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (US). A Report of the Surgeon General: Preventing Tobacco Use Among Youth and Young Adults
Tobacco Cessation Services
Individuals requesting assistance with tobacco cessation services will be referred to NDQuits, the North Dakota Department of Health multi-media tobacco cessation program. This is a free cessation service provided to citizens of North Dakota.
Communicating the Policy to Students, Staff, & Public
• This policy will be printed in the employee and the student handbooks. The District shall post signs indicating that the property is tobacco-free in all locations and in the manner identified in NDCC 23-12-10.4.1(a) and (b). In addition, notices should be posted in other highly visible places on district property including, but not limited to, school playgrounds, athletic fields, parking lots and at all school-sponsored events ([whether or not such events occur] on district property). Parents will be sent notification of this policy in writing, and the local media will be asked to communicate this tobacco-free policy communitywide.
• Copies of this policy will be available in the high school office, and on the school district website.
• All individuals on the district’s premises share in the responsibility for adhering to and enforcing this policy. The District superintendent shall develop regulations for the enforcement and implementation of this policy. Violations should be reported to District Superintendent
United Public School District Safe and Drug Free Schools Policy
Updated and Adopted August 2016
Philosophy Statements
• All students have a right to attend school in an environment conducive to learning. Since alcohol, tobacco, and other drug use is illegal and interferes with both effective learning and the healthy development of children and adolescents, United Public School District recognizes its basic legal and ethical obligation to prevent alcohol, tobacco, and other drug use to maintain a safe and drug free educational education.
• The school also has an obligation to provide drug prevention education units that are an integral part of the standard curriculum at all grade levels. These units are necessary to prepare students for decision making against alcohol, tobacco, and other drug use. These units are based on accurate information concerning health and developmental hazards.
• United Public School District, in accordance with the Safe and Drug Free Schools Act Guidelines, recognizes that the unlawful possession, use, or distribution of illicit drugs, alcohol, or tobacco by students on school premises or as part of any of its activities, is wrong and harmful. It is mandatory that students refrain from the use of possession of illicit drugs, alcohol, or tobacco.
• The rationale for regulating possession and use of tobacco is that the health hazards of tobacco use have been well established. This policy is established to reduce the high incidence of tobacco use in North Dakota to protect the health and safety of all students, employees, ad the general public and to set a non-tobacco-use example by adults.
• Abstinence: Restraining from an activity including the use of alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs.
• Dependency: A state of psychological or physical need, or both. This state arises from repeated use of a substance on a periodic or continuous basis.
• District: United Public School District
• District Property: all property, both indoor and outdoor, that is owned or leased by the district including, but not limited to, all buildings, playgrounds, athletic fields, parking lots and vehicles.
• Illicit drug: The Federal Government has a special list of illicit drugs. These illegal, controlled substances must not be brought into any United Public School District workplace. Some of the specific drugs in the government list include, but are not limited to, the following: marijuana, cocaine, heroin, and hallucinogens.
• Inhalants: Substances, often found in the home, which are abused by inhaling. Use can have immediate and very harmful results. These substances, when used for other than their intended purpose, at school or school related activities, will be considered as drugs. For specific examples, see the SDFS coordinator.
• Legal, but harmful drugs: Many legal drugs are very dangerous if not used appropriately. These types of drugs, which are potentially dangerous, are banned from the school district. They include prescription drugs not taken as prescribed and over the counter medications not taken as recommended.
• Paraphernalia: Objects, which are used when using drugs, alcohol, or tobacco. This includes vaping devices.
• Prevention education: Alcohol, tobacco, and other drug prevention education will be incorporated into the district’s K-12 comprehensive health curriculum so that students will be aware of the health and social consequences of use and abstinence. Teachers whose instructional assignments include these units will receive training in order that students will be afforded the most effective delivery of the district’s classroom-based prevention education. All education units will contain a definite “abstinence” message for those under legal age.
• Possession: Having a substance, such as alcohol, tobacco, or other drugs on district property, in district vehicles, and/or at school-sponsored events both whether on or off district property.
• Probable cause: Legal term used to describe the amount of evidence necessary for police to conduct a search and seizure.
• Reasonable suspicion: Belief that there is a violation of law or school rules. This is the lesser standard of evidence necessary for a school to begin an in-house investigation.
• Referral: To send or direct a person for information, support, or treatment.
• Suspected use: When indicators show alcohol, tobacco, or other drug use is possible.
• Tobacco Product: any product that contains tobacco, is derived from tobacco or contains nicotine [or lobelia], that is intended for human consumption, or is likely to be consumed, whether smoked, heated, chewed, absorbed, dissolved, or ingested by any other means. The term “tobacco products” includes pipes, rolling papers, e-cigarettes and other electronic smoking devices, but does not include any cessation product approved by the United States Food and Drug Administration for use as a medical treatment to reduce and eliminate nicotine or tobacco dependence.
• Use: Includes the consumption, chewing, lighting, or vaping any quantity of alcohol, tobacco, or other drugs except for accepted medicinal purposes. Use also includes smoking, which means carrying or having in one’s possession, a lighted cigarette, cigar, pipe, or other object giving off or containing any substance giving off smoke.
• Volunteered information: When information is given without coercion or threat and is based on knowledge that consent can be denied.
Searches, Confiscation, Medical Emergencies, and Helpful Resources
• Searches: See the student handbook for information
• Confiscation of a substance by school official: The presence of possession of any alcohol, tobacco, or other drugs or paraphernalia should be brought to the immediate attention of administration.
• Medical emergencies: In an alcohol or drug-related emergency, staff members should follow the procedure listen below:
• Do not leave the affected person unattended.
• Contact administration.
• Call 911 or other appropriate number listed below for advice on how to care for student.
Fire, Police, Ambulance: 911 Trinity Emergency Room: 857-5260 Poison Control: 1-800-222-1222 Community Services North Dakota 211 First District Health Unit: 852-1376
North Central Human Service Center: 888-470-6968
Quit Line: 1-800-784-8669 (1-800-QUIT-NOW) -- Quitline is a free telephone-based service available to help North Dakota smokers and spit-tobacco users overcome nicotine addiction.
To find other resources, look in the Yellow Pages of the telephone directory under “alcoholism” and “counseling”.
• Records on the use of student assistance should be confidential and not be made part of the educational record. North Dakota law requires these records be confidential and that they may not be released without the written consent of the student, or if the student is less than fourteen years of age, without the written consent of the student’s parent or guardian.
• Minors who are 14 years of age or older may obtain alcohol and other drug treatment counseling without parental consent and without notification of the minor’s parent under North Dakota Century Code 14-10-17.
• Matters discussed as part of student assistance will be treated as confidential, unless there is a clear and imminent danger to the student or others.
Treatment and Reentry Programs
• Information about drug and alcohol dependency counseling can be obtained by calling the numbers in the “resources” section, or other institutions and counselors as listed in the yellow pages of the telephone directory.
• When a student enters treatment for drug or alcohol dependency treatment, the following steps will be followed:
• Administration and other staff, as determined by student, school, and treatment facility, will be notified about placement in treatment center.
• Contact with student will be maintained during treatment, if possible.
• Support and encouragement for student will be provided as deemed necessary and appropriate by student, treatment facility, and administration.
• School counselor will act as an advocate for the needs of recovering students.
Employee Assistance Program
• The United Public School District will provide an Employee Assistance Program for employees who are experiencing personal difficulties that are affecting, or may affect the employee’s job performance. The purpose of the program is to assist employees in obtaining help to resolve such problems in an effective and confidential manner. This program recognizes that the primary obligation to seek assistance and to resolve the problem rests with the employee.
• The School Board recognizes that a wide range of problems that are not directly associated with an employee’s job function may have an effect on an employee’s job performance. The problems may involve physical illness, mental or emotional illness, alcohol abuse or alcoholism, drug abuse or dependency, or personal problems such as those of a marital, family, or financial nature.
• The employee assistance program assures employees that if such personal problems are the cause of unsatisfactory job performance, they will receive careful consideration and an offer of assistance in an effective and confidential manner. This service will provide information for counseling and treatment referral so that employees may seek and get counseling for chemical dependency, financial, marital, or other personal problems at any time without fear of reprisal and with assurance of confidentiality. Providing information for referral or treatment, when needed, should be a constructive and not a punitive action.
• Supervisors and/or colleagues will implement this policy in such a manner that no employee will have his or her job security or promotional opportunity affected by the use of the employee assistance program. This policy, and any related procedures, will not alter or supersede the normal employment, rules, policies, regulations, corrective disciplinary procedures, performance evaluation, guidelines, and/or provisions of collective bargaining agreements. The employees right to confidentiality will be protected.
Tobacco Product Use and Possession Prohibitions
Rationale for Regulating Possession & Use of Tobacco Products
The health hazards of tobacco use have been well established and studies have shown that nearly 90% of current smokers began smoking as teenagers. This tobacco free policy is established to:
1. Reduce the high incidence of tobacco use in North Dakota.
2. Protect the health and safety of all students, employees, and the general public.
3. Establish a standard of healthy, tobacco free behavior by adults and students.
Use of tobacco products is the leading cause of preventable death and disability in North Dakota. To support and model a healthy lifestyle for our students, staff and community, the United #7 School Board establishes the following tobacco-free policy.
Use & Possession Prohibitions
1. Students: Possession and/or use of tobacco products by students on district property and at school-sponsored events (whether on or off district property) is prohibited at all times.
2. Employees and Visitors: The use of tobacco products by school employees and visitors on district property and at school-sponsored events (whether on or off district property) is prohibited at all times.
This tobacco-free policy includes all events held on district property whether or not such events are sponsored by, or associated with, the District, and all events sponsored by the District or any school within the District regardless of where such events are held.
3. Advertising and Sponsorship: The District prohibits all advertising of tobacco products, whether formal or informal, on district property, at school functions, and in all school publications. This includes all signs, clothing or other gear that contain a logo of, advertisement for, or reference to, any tobacco product.
The District will not accept any form of contribution including, but not limited to, financial support, gifts (such as curriculum, book covers, speakers, etc.) or in-kind support from the tobacco industry for the sponsorship or promotion of any event or activity affiliated in any manner with the District or located on district property.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (US). A Report of the Surgeon General: Preventing Tobacco Use Among Youth and Young Adults
Tobacco Cessation Services
Individuals requesting assistance with tobacco cessation services will be referred to NDQuits, the North Dakota Department of Health multi-media tobacco cessation program. This is a free cessation service provided to citizens of North Dakota.
Communicating the Policy to Students, Staff, & Public
• This policy will be printed in the employee and the student handbooks. The District shall post signs indicating that the property is tobacco-free in all locations and in the manner identified in NDCC 23-12-10.4.1(a) and (b). In addition, notices should be posted in other highly visible places on district property including, but not limited to, school playgrounds, athletic fields, parking lots and at all school-sponsored events ([whether or not such events occur] on district property). Parents will be sent notification of this policy in writing, and the local media will be asked to communicate this tobacco-free policy communitywide.
• Copies of this policy will be available in the high school office, and on the school district website.
• All individuals on the district’s premises share in the responsibility for adhering to and enforcing this policy. The District superintendent shall develop regulations for the enforcement and implementation of this policy. Violations should be reported to District Superintendent